Tuesday, October 3, 2017

BLOG: Blog v Wiki


     Blogs and Wiki became very popular among new media techniques. A lot of people use them today. There are a lot of similarities between them. Both of them is a source of information. But the way this information is delivered and quality of this information are different. Usually blogs created by a single person or by a group of people and it is always limited number of editors who can add posts. Wiki's content can be added or modified almost by anyone who has sufficient knowledge in the topic that he or she want to modify or add.
     Also they can coexist together and may be help each other. What I mean by that. Oded Nov said in his article "What motivates wikipedians? that "Wikipedia is a prominent example of a collaborative
user-generated content outlet based on the open source model, and a promising model for knowledge
sharing" While Kathy E. Gill said in her article "How can we measure the influence of the blogosphere? that "Bloggers write about topics that matter to them" - means blog is a source of opinion.
     But for example it is very hard to express personal opinion in actuarial science. Because you either have the theorem with a strong proof, or you don't. Your personal opinion doesn't matter. Also there are a lot of theorems on Wiki that had been already proven. But let's say you came up with a new theorem, and you are on your way to prove it, but you might need some second opinion. Here your blog come into play. You can share your thoughts in your blog, and probably you will get a good comments. Then you will prove your theorem and get a Nobel prize (unless someone else will do it before you, while reading your blog) and then you can post it on Wiki. It might sound like an absolutely crazy thing, but never the less it one of the possible ways how wiki and blog can coexist and help each other.

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