Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Blog about Twitter

Today we have many ways to communicate with each other: other the phone, via email, very rear regular (snail) mail, and very often via social media. Depending of the purposes of communication any of these ways is good. If you want to say something to unlimited number of people just tweet it. Basically, anyone can read your tweet. If you want to find some information tweeter is also good. Blackboard is good to use when you have a conversation with your classmates. You can post a thread containing more than just 140 characters, which is a limit for a tweet in tweeter. So, you can have a good discussion and you can write all your thoughts without limitation. Both ways require internet connection. And when you are not sure if you are right or wrong you can search it in the internet. During in-class conversation you use your knowledge. It is very easy to be smart when you have open google in the next tab, but it is totally different when you have a life conversation. Also, some people can’t talk in front of many people for various reasons, and they prefer discussion online. Because online you can be anybody. But during in-class discussion we are not only sharing out thoughts we can see emotions of each other, which is very important in communication.

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