Tuesday, October 31, 2017


New media and technology stimulated creativity. Social media users using different techniques to deliver their information. It could be text, video, music, presentation. Not long time ago the only source of information were newspapers and books. As Jane B Singer said in her Article “User-generated visibility: Secondary gatekeeping in shared media space”: “traditionally, journalists decide what content to publish based on a generalized conception of a relatively undifferentiated mass audience. The journalist serves as gatekeeper for this mass audience, selecting a subset of items to make visible; the role has newly intensified public feedback loops today but otherwise has changed little over the years”. Ordinary readers didn’t have a choice what to read, they read what was in newspaper. Today we have a choice what to read and where to read it. Therefore, if you want social media users to read your article or post you must be creative.
We remember how the first blog came up. It was something new. Everybody could write what is important to them.  But today we have another very popular type of blog – video blog. A lot of people creating their own blogs and a lot of people watching video blogs. To have a popular video blog you must be creative.

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I never thought about what kind of new type of new media I would like to try or to see on a market. I’m not very familiar with curren...